
Nagging Back Pain is Gone

"After repeated adjustments by two chiropractors, both of them referred me to Taiya after they were unable to relieve the nagging back pain I had been experiencing for months. They believed the source of back pain was muscular, not skeletal. Only deep tissue manipulation and release would help. I began to get relief after my first visit and am now pain free in that area. Also, with Taiya’s coaching and suggestions, I am now more aware of how I habitually and unnecessarily tense certain muscles and am actively reminding myself to relax them. Her office is pleasant and relaxing. I highly recommend Taiya as a knowledgeable, effective and congenial Rolfing practitioner."

Diana, Secretary/Treasurer of The Global Transformation Network, Inc.

Going Deep Was the Right Choice

"As a physical therapist, certified Feldenkrais Practitioner and Reike Master I've spent lots of time working with my own energy system and habits of movement. I know how to release tension and facilitate new movement patterns. But there comes a time when deep structural work is necessary to open blockages. I had been experiencing hip and thigh pain for sometime that I just wasn't able to manage myself. Rolfing seemed the perfect answer.

"After only one session with Taiya I knew I had made the right choice. I felt muscular relief that lasted and the touted 'pain of a Rolfing session' wasn't what I experienced. Taiya was thorough, gentle yet firm, and willing to work as deeply as I wanted. And I wanted deep to get rid of the nauseating, nagging pain I'd been living with for months. After 5 or 6 sessions the pain was almost completely gone as we worked through a 10 session Rolfing protocol addressing other structural misalignments affecting my hip. I found the method wonderfully helpful and Taiya a skilled and compassionate practitioner. I recommend her highly to all my friends and associates."

Zemaya, Physical Therapist, Feldenkrais Practitioner and Reike Master

Effective For Extended Pain Relief

"Over the past year, I have had monthly sessions with Taiya Graham, for problems associated with my arm and shoulder. I find her therapeutic approach to each Rolfing session to be well suited to my individual needs. She takes the time to discuss my current condition, and then tailors each session to best deal with my symptoms, while answering my questions and concerns.

"In regards to my particular symptoms, I have had problems resulting from repetitive motion activities and tendonitis for several years. The sessions with Taiya have provided me with significant relief from much of the pain and soreness in my arm and shoulder. I have tried other kinds of bodywork and massage, and have found these sessions to be significantly more effective in providing extended relief for my symptoms.

"Although Rolfing sessions with some therapists can be quite tortuous, I have found Taiya to be very capable of adjusting the intensity of the manipulations, so as not to exceed my tolerance for discomfort."

Alan, Professional Musician, French Horn

Promotes Short and Long Term Health

"I went to Taiya when I experienced severe pain in my hip while training for my first triathlon. The pain was so intense that I thought it might keep me from completing the run. After only one session, there was a dramatic difference - no more limping after my running session. I am training for another triathlon this spring, and I feel better knowing that I can count on Taiya to help alleviate the strain on my joints and muscles.

"Taiya put me at ease immediately, and I felt very comfortable during the entire session. She explained what I could expect in a Rolfing session and how it works with my body to promote short and long-term health. I would definitely recommend Taiya to both new and experienced Rolfing clients. She is a true professional!"

Jean, Operations Manager

Taiya is Deceptively Strong

"I was still experiencing pain and numbness after two neck surgeries, so my doctor suggested that I try Rolfing to help break up the scar tissue. I had also lifted weights 5 times a week for 30 years so my body was definitely in need of readjusting. I completed the 10 treatment series with Taiya Graham and have been back for several follow-up treatments.

"I found Taiya very professional, conscientious and concerned about my health. As a plus Taiya is a very active and interesting person to talk to, and I always enjoyed our sessions. I am 250 lbs. and was unsure that a Rolfer would be strong enough to 'get into' my muscles; Taiya may be petite but she is deceptively strong. I need to book another session with her again soon!"

Tom, Police Officer

Brings Your Body Back into Whack

"I began Rolfing after my husband tried it; it sounded interesting and I hoped it might help with my nagging lower back pain. I have not seen any other Rolfers but I have had many massages, acupuncture and chiropractic sessions. I completed the 10 treatment series and found it very helpful. I have a desk job and the work I did with Taiya made me very aware of the way that I sit and how that affects my body. I have since changed to sitting on an exercise ball rather than a chair (as Taiya does!) and take care not to cross my legs as it aggravates by back.

"I would definitely recommend Rolfing to anyone recovering from an injury or anyone who has an active lifestyle. It is amazing how out-of-whack your body can be just from the day-to-day stress we all put on our bodies. Taiya is a wonderful Rolfer and a really great person to spend time with. I would recommend her services without hesitation."

Alison, International Shipping

Makes a Big Difference

"In 2004 I was diagnosed with the neurological condition focal dystonia, which was causing the toes on my right foot to curl when walking. This began affecting my entire leg and lower back, making it very difficult to walk for any length of time.

"In November of 2007 I read an article about a pianist who had this condition in his right hand, and had gotten good results from Botox injections and Rolfing. I immediately began searching for a Rolfer in the Columbia, MD, area. Luckily my search led me to Taiya who was great in listening to my problem and addressing it.

"After only four sessions I have seen a big difference in the way my leg feels, and I have been able to walk for longer periods of time without the pain behind my knee and in my lower back. I realize that she cannot cure the dystonia, but feel confident that with regular treatments I will continue to see improvement and avoid the paralysis sometimes associated with this condition."

Winnie, Retired Bookkeeper

Gentle Touch

"Taiya exudes a warmth and kindness that made me feel at peace. She is a very caring person. The Rolfing experience, in her hands, is as gentle as possible."

Ken, Systems Engineer

Highly Recommended

"I heard about Rolfing from a friend of mine and wasn’t quite sure what it was… so I did some research on the internet and found Taiya Graham was very close to my office in Ellicott City, Maryland. I made my first appointment and decided to do the entire series. I found the experience not only physically rewarding, but very educational and even somewhat spiritual. I highly recommend doing a Rolfing series with Taiya, she is a very experienced and professional Rolfer."

Kara, CEO

Tunes You in to Your Body

"I originally started Rolfing on the advice of a friend to become more in tune with my body. I never realized how tense I was in certain parts of my body until I experienced Rolfing! Taiya showed me how tight my calves (and other parts) were and I still stretch regularly on her advice. Taiya is such a warm and loving presence. I highly recommend Taiya for a caring and professional Rolfing experience."

Kristine, Computer Programmer

Small Budget, Big Benefit

"I am a college student with limited funds and complex health issues. Taiya was very compassionate and worked with me so I could afford Rolfing. She is very interested in helping her clients and it is very refreshing to find someone who is dedicated in helping their clients. Rolfing was very beneficial in lessening my chronic pain, migraines, postural problems, stress and fatigue. I recommend it to anyone who wants to correct a problem rather than just mask it with medication."

Bethany, College Student